Relict Saga 4: The Sundered Keep

How can you tell a mage is lying? His mouth is moving.
Destan knows they’re plotting something, locked away in their lofty tower.
He just can’t prove it — yet.
Did they have something to do with Sebastian’s disappearance? Or are the mages planning something bigger; something that threatens all the unsuspecting Relicts sworn into their charge?
The fate of Eldfäst rests on the secrets Destan carries, but time is running out.
What is this fascination that Jacek seems to have for him? Destan might have saved the bard’s life, but how can he trust that the human is truly on his side?
Do Jacek’s happy-go-lucky antics hide far deeper secrets; secrets that could rival the Bear Relict’s own? Will he prove to be Destan’s doom —
Or his salvation?